Umowa |
Spółki Jawnej |
Recenzje: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4,26 4941 |
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Umowa Spółki Jawnej – Wzór
Wzór Umowy Spółki Jawnej
I. Postanowienia ogólne
- Niniejsza umowa zostaje zawarta przez i between the following persons:
- Adam Nowak, PESEL: 123456789, residing in Warsaw, Poland,
- Ewa Kowalska, PESEL: 987654321, residing in Krakow, Poland,
- The purpose of this partnership is to establish and carry out a business activity under the name of „ABC Enterprises”.
- The partnership will operate in the city of Warsaw, Poland.
II. Wkład uczestników
- Each partner will contribute to the partnership’s capital with the following amounts:
- Adam Nowak: PLN 50,000
- Ewa Kowalska: PLN 30,000
- The contributions shall be made in cash within 30 days from the signing of this agreement.
III. Zarządzanie i reprezentacja
- The management of the partnership shall be conducted jointly by both partners.
- In case of a disagreement between the partners, a mutual decision shall be reached.
IV. Podział zysków i strat
- The profits and losses of the partnership shall be divided equally between the partners.
V. Czas trwania
- The partnership shall commence on the date of signing this agreement and shall continue indefinitely until terminated by mutual agreement or in case of legal dissolution.
VI. Postanowienia końcowe
- Any amendments to this agreement shall require the written consent of both partners.
- Any disputes arising from or in connection with this agreement shall be settled amicably by the partners. If no agreement can be reached, the matter shall be submitted to the competent court.
In witness whereof, the partners have executed this agreement on the date first above written.
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FAQ Umowy Spółki Jawnej
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